lat           win          koi
April 9th, 1999
                 As you all probably already know, Katia was seen on "Jeopardy" on April 6th. She didn't play, but she gave one clue. I didn't see her (where was I again??), unfortunately.
Another small thought. After reading some postings on the chat board, I came to a conclusion, that I need to include some section purely on Russia. So, give me your suggestions as to what you are interested in. Anything dealing with Russia, Moscow, Russian language etc will be considered. Though I have a better idea! I will add the poll next time I update "In GG Memory", so check back soon, probably in a day or two.

Okay, the great news, of course, is that Russia took all the gold medals from the World championships (well, I guess it's a good news only for Russians :))!! 
Second great news is that I added three new midi-files to my collection! Go to the music from the programs and look for hte "new" icon! 
Third, I've got a question! What parts of "Scheherezade" suite by Rimsky-Korsakov did G&G use in their program? I don't have this program, I can't tell. Anybody who knows (even if it's only one part you know the name of!), please, e-mail me! Sorry, folks, no prizes this time, but the reason for update will be really huge! 
We always want to say so much. But in skating, there are no words. There's just music. And movements. So I will put my praises of G&G aside. Every fan considers his or her skater the best one, though I've always believed that skating funs are most loyal and liberal fans in the world -- beside their "own" skaters they usually respect the whole bunch of other talented people who do axels and salchows so effortlessly and beautifully. 
G&G just stand out. 
They are special. 
I don't think they took their special place in the skaters' big family on that November day when his heart stopped, no, I don't even want to think like that. The became special when they were matched and became a magical twosome, which in the skating world is called simply G&G, -- 

     & Grinkov
Okay, if you've never seen such funny names and wonder who these people are, or if you are just looking for some personal details about them and also about their accomplishments, then please proceed here
"G&G Sounds" -- here you will find my collection of midis with the music Gordeeva and Grinkov used in their programs. This is to some extent my pride: 
            -- music from the programs 
            -- music from Disney television specials, in which G&G skated 
"Favourite and best" -- some of my (and I am sure some of your) favorite G&G routines 
All my G&G links  

Don't go right away, please! 
            -- read my guestbook 
            -- sign my guestbook 
But the most important thing is -- come again! 

Feel free to send me an e-mail!